Exciting Workshops and Events!
introspection of body, mind, & soul
This workshop will be guided by Amy McLean will be guiding a Shadow Work session, Kristen Cipielewski will be leading a Yoga Therapy session, and Carrie Elste will be facilitating a Breath Work session. Each session builds upon the other to guide you through releasing expectations and guiding you to finding your authentic self.
April 29th from 12pm - 5pm
Gather Yoga Studio
30922 Hilltop Dr Suite 100, Evergreen, CO 80439
Shadow Work
In this workshop, we will learn about The Shadow from the perspective of Carl Jung’s teachings and explore how we can access the Shadow Self through creativity. Participants will connect to their inner “unconscious self" through the creative process of collage. There is no artistic prerequisite. The ability and desire to cut, paste, and seek a deeper understanding of self is all that is required!
Yoga Therapy
During the yoga therapy session for this workshop Kristen will guide you through using the breath and the body to access what the body is holding. This is a trauma based therapy that uses various shapes to push our edges and learn what our body is holding through a muscular and cellular level. Shapes are simple and you have full autonomy in where you go with this practice. Kristen is the facilitator while you explore the insight that your body holds. The session is followed by processing through journaling. Journals will be provided, but please bring your own if you would like to add to your own personal journal.
Breath Work
We will learn grounding techniques, examine your parts of self, and utilize breathwork to release and center in the power that is YOU. Together, We will co- create a space to release and become aware of the life you want to be living. I believe you can shed what doesn't serve you and embody the person you have always wanted to be. We will use breathwork, parts work, and art processing to get curious and explore your inner landscape. I am excited to guide you on your journey of awareness, acceptance and self-love.
Registration Information
Register by April 8 for $120
Register after April 8 for $150
Registration closes April 22nd
Click this LINK to register!!!!
introspection of mind, body and soul
For more information:
(303) 725-5530
Ashtanga Workshop
Kristen has been traveling the world learning all styles of yoga for almost 20 years. She is bringing to Evergreen one of her most favorite styles of yoga to practice, Ashtanga. Many power and Vinyasa style practices originate from the Ashtanga sequence. Kristen will be offering a 4 week workshop where she introduces the Ashtanga Primary Series. Each session is 90 minutes. There is a flow to this yoga, and can be quick paced, but Kristen will be breaking down the postures for alignment and modifications.
The investment is $100 for the workshop of 4 - 90 minute sessions
Sign up for Mondays 11-12:30 OR Fridays from 4:30-6
Dates for Monday sessions:
April 24 and May 1, 8, 15
Dates for Friday sessions:
April 28 and May 5, 19, 26
Sign up for one or both!
$25 Drop-Ins Available
Or email: mettamassageandheaingarts@gmail.com

Chair Massages for Ukraine
The massage therapy community is coming together to raise money for Ukraine.
We will be offering chair massages by donation at Buchanan Park Recreation Center on April 12th from 10am - 7pm. Buchanan has donated the Evergreen Room for the day and we are available for you to to pop in for a chair massage.